Friday, February 19, 2010

Ohio State PDF/A usage survey

Archivists and other staff at The Ohio State University have spent the past couple of years studying PDF/A's potential as a preservation tool and are compiling their findings for publication. The group conducted a survey of PDF/A usage as it was beginning its work, and now that the project is winding down they're conducting a follow-up assessment:
If you would take the time to complete a brief survey (2 y/n questions, a comments box, institutional/organizational name, and optional contact info; we would greatly appreciate it.

It took me less than five minutes to complete the survey, and I really welcomed the chance to sort through and share my very mixed experiences with PDF/A. If you're using PDF/A as a preservation tool, have experimented with it, or have opted, for whatever reason, against using it, please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

If you have any questions about the survey, contact Daniel Noonan, Ohio State's Electronic Records Manager/Archivist, at noonan.37[at]

News of this survey was originally posted to the Management and Preservation of Electronic Records listserv, the archives of which are available here, and several other listservs.

1 comment:

Protection Software said...

Hi friends,

PDF/A is a standard which turns PDF into an electronic document file format for long-term preservation. It is the first part of the standard and is documented in ISO. Thank you...