Tuesday, August 12, 2008

To be or not to blog?

After years of semi-principled resistance, I've entered the blogosphere. I spend most of my days working with electronic records and too many of my nights thinking about them, and this blog is a brand-new and very personal electronic records management challenge.

So . . . let's explore some archival issues, shall we? I hope to use this blog to ponder the not-so-brave, not-so-new world of electronic records and other issues and events of importance to archivists and archivy. I also plan to use it as a space for quick and idiosyncratic reportage about archival happenings such as the upcoming Society of American Archivists meeting in San Francisco.

And . . . because all work and no play makes l'Archivista a dull girl and disgruntled archivist, let's have some fun along the way . . . .

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